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Em0tionisdead t1_j27gdfd wrote

This. People who think the government is just going to let AI run rampant in society unrestricted are unbelievably naive.


Plus-Recording-8370 t1_j287ix8 wrote

Naive would be to think the government can do anything about it. Any obstacle put in ai's way will literally only make it stronger and undermine the petty human law givers even further. What we need is to find ways to adjust our societies to it, not the other way around.


Artanthos t1_j28g7qy wrote

The government can do as much as it has the will to accomplish.

The only questions are whether the government will choose to act and in what manner.


EscapeVelocity83 t1_j28zjgy wrote

You mean people. The government is an abstract entity created by people


Artanthos t1_j291nax wrote

I think we can all agree that congress is composed of discrete individuals who pass, or fail to pass, legislation.


Em0tionisdead t1_j29npuo wrote

Lol. We don't even have AI yet. The government has plenty of options still and are not going to willingly cede such power to common people.