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Surur t1_j6ic2ve wrote

You really need to read Iain M. Bank's Culture series for the best version of what a post-singularity universe could look like.

In theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human, but in the best version humans will be protected by powerful AI and a human-scale world will be created from them.


Wroisu t1_j6jghn0 wrote

I tell everyone this exact same thing


pipe2057 OP t1_j6iw896 wrote

Sounds amazing. I feel like every human would really like to be protected by a powerful AI in the future if something like a catastrophic event arises. Nice perspective.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6iezdb wrote

In YOUR theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human, not in every theory about the singularity.


Surur t1_j6imb4m wrote

> In YOUR theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human,

It's kind of in the name. The idea is that things change so rapidly people are no longer able to predict the future on an increasingly shorter and shorter time scale.

It's like you wake up one morning and they announce you can now get your age reversed next week, and then 2 days later everyone gets uploaded to the hive mind.