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just-a-dreamer- t1_j5lhhx0 wrote

It makes no sense aiming to be an electrician when you have a college degree in electric engineering. Don't sell yourself short. Your degree matters.

I would aim to be something like a safety inspector, state and federal laws requires all kinds of regulation. And there is private insurance, insurance coverage requires so many degreeholders to be part of companies.

AI may approach fast, but bureaucracy fights tooth and nail before anything change. This is a good time of entry. Boomers are retiring in big numbers.

If you can land a job that is tied to bureaucracy, especially government, you can sit this out. Most important, cheer up.

Best case, you rubber stamp files in 15 years and let AI do the real work. Play video games all day in your home office and cash in checks.

Something to dream about man. Worst case, you can always be an electrician.