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Martholomeow t1_j5lzmn8 wrote

It’s a tool like any other. Everything you’re saying here is what people said about photography, the radio, television, digital art, typewriters, word processors, calculators, etc.

Does that mean that they won’t replace any jobs? No. But everyone must always keep their job skills fresh if they want to earn a good living. Learn to work with these tools and you’ll become more in demand to employers.


Different_Degree4914 t1_j5n27lw wrote

It is a tool like no other.

The segment of the population with cognition that allows them to rise beyond collecting data, analyzing it, and spitting something out, is not as high as you think. The segment of the population capable of doing more, and willing or able to be re-educated to do so, is even lower. Even amongst those qualified for whatever positions remain, the competition will be fierce. To some it will be a tool. For most, it will simply be a replacement. This is a problem in our current socioeconomic system that will have to be addressed.