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SWATSgradyBABY t1_j5o3kch wrote

Not having a UBI isn't the reason we don't have democracy. And creating one in an antidemocratic state will harden the antidemocratic nature as the population will be completely reliant on the state for its survival. If you don't have a working understanding of what democracy is (most Americans do not however strange that sounds) its not possible to see the danger posed


ArgentStonecutter t1_j5obsjz wrote

I know enough to know there's no "the reason" and discount simplistic arguments.


SWATSgradyBABY t1_j5occ46 wrote

You missed the irony in asserting that UBI is the answer to the lives of people struggling for resources, simplistic and incorrect, then declare that you don't like simplistic argument. OK.

You're missing my point I think. There are more than enough resources currently for everyone. Countries with far far less wealth have better outcomes in almost every area and metric of human welfare. This is a fact disputed by virtually no one.