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dasnihil t1_j6o5mzd wrote

nobody is pointing out the direct benefit to humanity yet, and only focusing on nuclear fusion and all.

the wishful thinking is that once we have nuclear fusion, energy gets dirt cheap. how long will it take for the rich to let it go and not make citizens pay for basic things like food, water, electricity, HOUSE to live in and so on.

i hope that will take shorter time for them to work towards that future where basic requirements for living is provideD, including emotional support of whatever form.

look at it this way, we were primates once, we didn't care about art, emotions, sentiments and attachments in today's form. our consciousness has trancended the regulatory needs of a primate hardware and is now trying to engineer a society where everything needed for the primate hardware will be provided and we only get to sink in our conscious experience. i mean i love fucking but many more things too.

we got out of food chain, meaning none of us have to hunt for food now or fear death while at it. the moment we got out of food chain, our road till now has been how to provide for basic necessities with least suffering. we just have to keep continuing and faster. suffering is no good.

i'm balls high right now.