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alakeya OP t1_j6mcz6m wrote

I do agree on that front, but at the same time isn’t it rather easy to share the process and therefore demonstrate that the art was handmade?

Sorry for the parallel but can’t help but compare it to my current line of work. Machines are able to recreate exactly what I create, down to the details. But I can share easily how it’s handmade by providing my work process and therefore my work isn’t questioned anymore. This is something that’s highly present in fashion as well where they’re competing against fast fashion, or sculptures against 3D printing.


Portgas t1_j6mngh6 wrote

> isn’t it rather easy to share the process and therefore demonstrate that the art was handmade?

It's also rather easy to fake it. Like, I'm an okay artist, and I can probably take any art from /r/art and fabricate the 'how to' process in every step imaginable, and I don't see why ai couldn't be made to do the same either.