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joseph_dewey t1_j67coy7 wrote

By that definition, it has already happened, and probably happened back in the caveman days. Prediction is pretty tough, and almost everyone gets it wrong. Technological growth has been "rapid" since the species before us invented tools.

I thought that technological singularity was always defined in terms of AI surpassing human intelligence.


cloudrunner69 t1_j67jmp4 wrote

I don't know if anyone can make 100% accurate predications, but I think we can still make some pretty reasonable guesses based on current and past trends. For instance we can see the evolution of things like CPU's and can make some pretty good predications on what their next stage of evolution will look like. When the singularity hits something like the next steps of innovation in processors will be impossible to determine, because the growth in that technology will be to rapid to follow.