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Prayers4Wuhan t1_j30rhiz wrote

Wait, I have an idea. Why don’t professors have conversations with their students. That way they can assess what they understand and help them where they’re struggling.

Automation like chatgpt may force us to behave more humanely since any efforts to automate teaching and paper grading will backfire.


HakarlSagan t1_j30srlw wrote

> Wait, I have an idea. Why don’t professors have conversations with their students.

In-person tests of knowledge would seem to be where this is heading, yeah.

Realistically, many students will probably end up talking with an AI avatar instead of a physical human teacher for many interactions (maybe even for testing).

I can't decide if this is good or bad... but people smarter than myself need to start planning for this.


iateadonut t1_j31dk7a wrote

Psychotherapy is going to be so cheap and effective in a few years time.


wballard8 t1_j30ujyo wrote

How can a teacher do that with 20-40 students in a 45 minute class period? I see the point you make a lot and the truth is teachers do not have the time in a day or the bandwidth to provide this level of personal attention. That’s why essay homework is so prevalent as a way to evaluate their grasp of a topic.


dasnihil t1_j31bwzy wrote

imagine learning Fourier transform while actually asking Fourier himself about the math. i think our education will evolve towards that. AI teaching assistants that help the human teachers keep track of things.


MarginCalled1 t1_j31k47u wrote

I never understood why I couldn't use a calculator after I had learnt the basics of a topic. In our time I think we should be shifting from 'Know how to do everything in your head' to 'let's teach students how to critically think, and how to use tools that are available to find solutions in an efficient manner'.

I'd argue that traditionally it was very important for the student at every level to be able to articulate a topic in their head. Today however, I'd argue that out of High School students should have a basic understanding of topics, and have the knowledge necessary to utilize these tools to augment their own ability.

Getting into a Bachelor's degree or higher I think it would be necessary to start having a much more solid understanding of each topic of study.

Detractors would rightly say 'well what If the technology becomes unavailable via a storm/blackout or the internet is knocked out, or somehow otherwise becomes inaccessible' and I think that in our modern world if that happens everything is so integrated into technology that it'll grind to a halt regardless.

Another good point is that ChatGPT is still an early product. I don't advocate using it professionally in most fields at this point in time unless it's the topic of study. However, very shortly I believe the census will change. In the past two years progress has been mind-boggling.

Everything is reliant on computation in modern society, why not augment ourselves? I can honestly say that the vast majority of math I learned in HS I've never done again, and I work with a ton of data.. it's all done and calculated via software, and verified with a calculator, which is done mostly by programmers with tools of their own. (Though I admit this needs to be looked at, 41.32% of professional programmers had a Bachelor's degree and only 21% had a Master's degree (according to 'Statista' poll data from 2022))

I have several friends that work in corporate finance and while having a drink on my back patio over the past summer they had stated that they very rarely use anything beyond basic math, the rest is done for them by machines.

Or perhaps we need to rethink what High School is meant to teach. It seems our public education system, and way of teaching is stuck in the early 1900s while we've progressed tremendously. Though I admit, as my grandfather used to say, it's easier said than done.

Edited to add Statista poll, Link


notarobot4932 t1_j32nhmq wrote

That was the way they did it, so now it's the way you have to do it. 😂