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sticky_symbols t1_j33icmp wrote

No, it really doesn't. That's you asking it about it's thinking and it responding. That's different than reflection, which would consist of it asking itself anything about its thinking.


LarsPensjo t1_j33nt4v wrote

One definition of "reflection" is

> serious thought or consideration.

Can you give an example where a human person can reflect on something, which ChatGPT can't? And more crucially, what method would you use to detect this?

What I am aiming at, is that these are borderline philosophical questions, without clear definitions.


gleamingthenewb t1_j36162g wrote

Any example of a human reflecting is an example of something ChatGPT can't do, because all it can do is predict what word comes next based on its training data and the prompt you give it.


sticky_symbols t1_j37q6jw wrote

They are not. They are questions about the flow of information in a system. Humans recirculate information in the process we call thinking or considering. ChatGPT does not.