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Ambitious-Toe4162 t1_j361iti wrote

Thanks for sharing.

I do have a problem with this part:

>It isn’t sentient. It said it has multiple input channels and sensors, it does not. It has a single input, text. It has a single output as well, text. Yes, it can code and do other things, that is only because they can be written.

You have provided no test that falsifies the proposition that chatGPT is sentient.

I don't have a hard belief in chatGPT being sentient or not, but awareness may be a necessary and potentially sufficient component for sentience.

Computers generally speaking may already satisfy the conditions for awareness depending on how you define an aware system (i.e a toaster might be considered aware of its internal temperature state.)

I'm not going to say chatGPT is or is not sentient, but simply we don't know, and I haven't read one comment in this thread that proves it one way or the other.