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Seek_Treasure t1_j6ewf8h wrote

Come on, the role of "web developer" has been automated away years ago.


[deleted] t1_j6f0kvx wrote



Seek_Treasure t1_j6jowk5 wrote

Well, that's what I see in my company. No one is writing HTML or raw JS or building Rest APIs anymore. Everything is either generated, or behind many layers of frameworks, or both.


BootyPatrol1980 t1_j6ftpht wrote

LOL no.

Maybe for small blogs but premade templates and widgets don't really count when you're talking about real web applications. It's still where most of the dev work goes these days perhaps more than ever.


Seek_Treasure t1_j6jpf6k wrote

I see very large web applications from inside. They're not really premade, but we're usually several layers of abstraction above HTML