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[deleted] OP t1_j4k49p8 wrote


And what makes you think it'll be you, if that's the moral system that we're operating on?


Cult_of_Chad t1_j4k4tfq wrote

There's space for all of us. We might need to eat each other before the very end, but we're barely into the stellar age. I want to see as much of it as I can.


[deleted] OP t1_j4k5g2c wrote

> There's space for all of us.

Of course there is, but Genghis Khan didn't do what he did for a lack of space.


Cult_of_Chad t1_j4k6bi2 wrote

>Genghis Khan didn't do what he did for a lack of space.

Don't pretend to know his motivations. Take a look at 'great' people today, the ones that get written about. Is Putin Genghis Khan? He's futilely fighting for the future of his crumbling empire and dying out people yet he's a monster. And a bit of a pathetic clown.

Also, that's where the grow strong part comes in. We must compete or die in the ultimate, technical sense. But less scarcity has translated into less violent competition so far. Llet's push that further and see how far it scales first, before giving up on all growth and life. (Not that I would anyway, it's axiomatic to my identity)