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Surur t1_j6k1qq7 wrote

You missed the short period where we all have AR glasses connected to an AI telling us exactly what to say and do.


TheAnonFeels t1_j6khakz wrote

Ha! That would certainly make life interesting! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of future, but I'm sure it's coming sooner or later. I'm more interested in the potential of AI to help us solve some of the world's biggest problems. I think that's where the real potential lies.


Talkat t1_j6lqta9 wrote

Yes i agree and I think that is probably only a couple years away too !

We will have an AI companion that can do things for us (scheduling, pay bills, etc) and help us as an expert (dietician, physiologist, doctor, trainer, etc) in almost all areas of our lives


Talkat t1_j6lqtiq wrote

Yes i agree and I think that is probably only a couple years away too !

We will have an AI companion that can do things for us (scheduling, pay bills, etc) and help us as an expert (dietician, physiologist, doctor, trainer, etc) in almost all areas of our lives