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Bierculles t1_j63jsq7 wrote

Well, the job of an artist is more than just creating waifus in a square canvas or landing pages for company websites. Someone needs to do all the CGI on movies or create textures and models for videogames and in many cases you want something very specific and not just a rough approximation from an AI, so you need someone who knows exactly what it needs to ask the AI to get what you want and they need to have an eye for what looks shit and what does not. Artists are the perfect people for this.

This is an issue that will be a problem in every single field unless you let AI take full controll, but that is still pretty far off and would need an AI that governs an entire industry on it's own and at that point, everyone is unemploeyd anyways.

So if you want my honest oppinion, become a plumber or bricklayer, those will be the last jobs that will be replaced. Governments need to reform how our society works at some point in the future anways, so the only question is if your job is made obsolete before or after we reform our economic system, aka before or after you get thrown on the streets and become homeless. Artists were allready in a rough spot so I would say from a purely financial standpoint, becoming an artist now is a pretty bad idea, most likely, nobody knows what the future really holds.