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littlebluedot42 t1_j5slssm wrote

Come to think of it, the absolutely unprecedented number of people worldwide on a prescription of anti-depressants might have something to do with a decent chunk of that demographic. Emotional blunting, and all that. I hear it's beginning to show signs of long-term effects, if I understand correctly. Yay.


AsuhoChinami t1_j5swgoq wrote

Been on them since 2011. Didn't blunt my emotions, just gave me an emotional range beyond just negative ones.


littlebluedot42 t1_j5tpfuc wrote

"Emotional blunting" is a frequent side-effect of many, if not most, antidepressants. I'm genuinely glad to hear it's not one of your personal challenges on your road to lasting happiness, neighbor. 🤗🌻


fjaoaoaoao t1_j5tyc8c wrote

Sometimes depressing thoughts have come from people spouting excitement though - excited by the tech while depressed by the potential changes.

So i wouldn’t say all of those who are having a more tempered reaction means they are depressed or not trying to be uplifting -> could be they are trying to be rational.


littlebluedot42 t1_j5ubpcx wrote

To be fair, I didn't say all, and clinical depression is leagues different than a feeling of depression, to be very clear, and at no point did I say anything at all regarding your second sentence. Please reread.