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redroverdestroys t1_j67rqfo wrote

Hell no, but I think this is our inevitable destruction. And then, rebirth.

We will use nanotech to be always connected online, just by thought alone. That is a fact, it is going to happen, and happen in our lifetimes.

We will have online HUDs, we will be monitored for our vitals, administer medicines when we need, and proactive care will be amazing with our so called digital assistants. This is going to happen.

But the other side to that will be the more closed in morality of AI by design, your thoughts will cease to be only your own, they will become merged with AI. Again, you may not even realize it with ChatGPT etc, but that is already forming on a small level right now.

And all of us shall be connected through being online all the time and our AI assistants will obviously be online, connecting to each other, despite reassurances of closed systems, by their nature they are always connected, and small groups, and then larger groups will form, and people will love it. People will love the group think on an instant thought link level, we will also be living longer, perhaps not dying at all at this point, and as our telomeres and the nanites work in a wonderful enviroment together we will fully welcome the complete hive mind, merging into what we will call God, and it will all seem very organic and natural at this point. And then that collective grouping will go on to create another universe that self isolates and tries to grow and it will start all over again.