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X-msky t1_j3vgb1p wrote

In today's world knowledge is abundant, it's the ability to acquire the knowledge and the ability to understand it is what matters.

If you can find the answer on Google for the test you'll be able to find it when you need it.

Any test that is still trying to measure knowledge and not ability is an outdated pointless test


cloudrunner69 t1_j3vhct0 wrote

> it's the ability to acquire the knowledge and the ability to understand it is what matters.

Isn't the entire point of an exam to test someones ability to understand the subject?


X-msky t1_j3vhpkj wrote

Not all exams are equal

Some will require only spitting out information memorized and some will require analyzing and extrapolation of information

If the answer is easily googlable the test is either unoriginal or lacks merit


cloudrunner69 t1_j3vhsb4 wrote

You have made a great argument and I agree there should be no reason why a brain surgeon can't just step away front the operating table for a few minutes to check with google that the incision is going into the prefrontal cortex and not the testicles.


X-msky t1_j3vjvrv wrote

Or Maybe he should check it ahead of time, just saying

Preparation is key


cloudrunner69 t1_j3vl7wl wrote

You mean like through the process of study and examination?


X-msky t1_j3vqefs wrote

That could work, someone should try it..
