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LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j3y06nd wrote

I'm not talking about 'replacing' educators at all; I'm talking about enhancing the education experience for everybody. As useful as robust academic LLMs would be to students, just imagine how useful they could be to teachers, tutors, professors, course coordinators, academic administrators.

Why should an AI vs a human be a zero-sum game, like you seem to suggest? Why in the world should humans consider themselves in a rivalry with such minds, when the evolutionary reality is much more like a case of symbiosis and mutual benefit?

AI in general, and LLMs in particular, are not substitutes or replacements for human beings; they are enhancements. They are tools we have made to help us, and they are so advanced that they're rapidly striving to become colleagues, instead of mere appliances.

I don't understand why this is so scary to so many people, I really don't. Perhaps misguided capitalists will try to exploit AI nefariously, but those people are dumb and greedy, and I'm reasonably confident that any half-intelligent LLM would be able to run rings around those kinds of clowns. Billionaires are not ubermensch, they're just lucky and sociopathically avaricious, and they're the biggest social ill that I hope AI will help humanity to remedy.