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NotASuicidalRobot t1_j3zw0f9 wrote

There are VR headsets that solely use it's onboard front cameras for tracking, though they still need controllers. Imagine if it directly tracked the hands ... Actually it can't be that hard right


overlordpotatoe t1_j3zwj14 wrote

The VR headset I have can already use hand tracking for controls, though it's not perfect.


NotASuicidalRobot t1_j3zwleg wrote

Aight that's kinda cool. So yeah this but better and smaller


overlordpotatoe t1_j3zybcr wrote

Yeah. Getting the headsets compact enough to be less of a nuisance might actually be the part we're furthest away from. They're getting lighter with each generation, but they're still fundamentally pretty bulky headsets.