Recent comments in /f/singularity

imnos t1_jegt8xv wrote

Reply to comment by homezlice in The Luddites by scarlettforever

Right. The luddites have been given a bad name when it's capitalists who should be getting flak. They're exactly the same as people protesting across the world today for fairer wages etc.


Nanaki_TV t1_jegt7f8 wrote

I cannot make claims about the future I do not know. That’s the problem with having principles and building on them. If I propose to end slavery in 1800s you’re objection to “who would pick the cotton!?” is not a rebuttal. And if I did somehow have a crystal ball saying giant machines would do it—1,000:1 people will be out of labor it would be so efficient you’d call for UBI then too. New horizons will be created. What they will be I cannot even begin to guess.


magosaurus t1_jegsn26 wrote

When I read your title I thought "yeah, right. well let's see if he has anything to say".

Then I quickly realized you were speaking some deep truths that are unfortunately depressing to think about. You're absolutely right, though.

It seems like most of the ways things could play out are not good for the human race. Feels like we're threading a needle.


HarbingerDe t1_jegsekp wrote

I will ask you again what you're proposing as an alternative Mr. Big Brain McCapitalism.

If you believe in free market competition, and there comes a time when for any given job there is an AGI that can easily out-compete and given human applicant. What is the alternative? The bold words are supposed to help you piece this together. I'm not sure how I could be any more clear.

IF you think capitalism is the ideal economic model and it should be preserved for the foreseeable future.

You're either suggesting that for the foreseeable future, humans will be able to compete with an exponentially increasing artificial intelligence (that can already rival us in a lot of jobs).

OR you're suggesting that such an AI won't come to exist.

If you're not willing to concede that UBI is necessary in a post-AGI world, those are virtually the only logical conclusions you can be making. Are you going to elaborate or are you going to keep whining about how we all use the word "literally" or something else equally inane?


TallAmericano t1_jegs4td wrote

I’m curious what the economic system would be after many (most?) white collar jobs are eliminated? (This presumes that nearly all blue collar jobs will be lost to automation.)

I don’t disagree that capitalism is flawed, but it’s easy to say “get rid of it” and hard to say “here’s what replaces it.” Ubi? How do humans continue to create value in that scenario? This is an important question that nobody seems to have a plausible answer to.