Submitted by [deleted] t3_1197z1h
Submitted by EnomLee t3_zxp8zs
Submitted by technofuture8 t3_ylo5hr
Submitted by Ivanthedog2013 t3_yebk5c
Submitted by Effective-Dig8734 t3_xt7no0
Submitted by Soft-Flamingo6003 t3_10rvrb7
Submitted by ForesightInstitute t3_10h9574
Submitted by zendogsit t3_10gc3hq
Submitted by AgginSwaggin t3_107wljh
Submitted by flaming_dortos t3_10au5u3
Submitted by Ok-Wing111 t3_125wk61
Submitted by TwitchTvOmo1 t3_113xycr
Submitted by crumbaker t3_zw6xxw
Submitted by diener1 t3_z0v68u
Submitted by AsuhoChinami t3_yb4xjk
Submitted by chicagotopsail t3_10lgj70
Shape of a protein predicted by two different AI models (ESMFold on the left, AlphaFold on the right)
Submitted by greentea387 t3_yt6job
Submitted by phriot t3_ykcjwo
Submitted by Dr_Singularity t3_xuuqpp