KAKrisko t1_j9ltmt6 wrote
Reply to comment by Swannie69 in NASA confirms 1,000lb meteorite slammed into Texas | As good time as any for European Space Agency to announce a 2030 asteoroid-spotting mission by chrisdh79
It's approximately 35.71 adult, male corgis, provided they are not overweight. Also, Disapproving Corgis may add gravitas to the equation and therefore you would need fewer of them.
1-N-Only-Speedshark t1_j9n7xn0 wrote
We ONLY use overweight corgis in my part of the world. Would that affect the equation at all?
KAKrisko t1_j9okse3 wrote
Oh gosh, these different metrics around the world - I can't keep up with 'em! Guess I'm just old-fashioned, I can only think in 28-pound corgis!
wedontlikespaces t1_j9p3p71 wrote
Are yes, the American medium corgi
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