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SweetBearCub t1_ja2475d wrote

> Working on Artemis II & III right now and let me reassure you we will be back to the moon!

I'm sure we will, that's not in question.

The question is, will we manage it before all of the Apollo astronauts who have walked on the moon's surface have died from old age?

For example, we're not planning to land on the moon again until Artemis 3, but that's not even scheduled to happen until 2025, and I'd bet that it won't actually happen until 2027, maybe even later.

Why take so fucking long?

We know Artemis 1 worked, so what's the hold up? Fucking let's go! I know that they want to reuse as many components as possible, but they already have the equipment from Artemis 1 that survived launch and re-entry back. It shouldn't take years and years to test equipment for reuse that they know already worked.