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solidcordon t1_jacolqr wrote

While it's a spectacular thing, it's not diverse in its' geology or at least not as diverse as the sites selected for robot exploration.


stock-prince-WK OP t1_jad55nj wrote

Do you think a robot can even get there if it wanted to ?


solidcordon t1_jad63ob wrote

The rovers on mars are quite far from olympus mons. Pretty sure it would take a really long time to get there, like years or decades.

It's technically possible to send a new rover to climb that mountain but the scientific justification for that expenditure is lacking.

Landing on an inclined surface is more difficult / dangerous than a nice flat level area, so the risk may also be a problem.

Mars has killed a few probes. Bear in mind that if anything goes wrong with the multimillion dollar rover at any stage it can lead to politicians cutting funding for future exploration.


solidcordon t1_jadlbax wrote


stock-prince-WK OP t1_jaeqd6k wrote

Thanks for this. So amazing to know what’s out there. Wish I was selected to be apart of that colonial expedition. But unfortunately probably won’t be alive during that time.

Still amazing.