___________a t1_jakch5b wrote
Anyone else here wondering what the heck happened with LICIACube? Did it actually end up failing? A perfect, close observer, yet has remained silent since impact really.
soldato_fantasma t1_jalhzyu wrote
It did work fine, it got more than 600 pictures of the impact during it's flyby and they were downloaded. Only a handful were released by ASI, the Italian Space Agency, though. Here you can find the pictures that were released: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/first-images-from-italian-space-agency-s-liciacube-satellite/ https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2022/10/LICIACube_image_of_asteroid_ejecta Two animations were also shown in a NASA press conference, but I can't find it
ocicrab t1_janx4d1 wrote
At least one of the animations is near the end of the video that OP linked
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