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mfb- t1_jdk8eco wrote

Almost all Falcon 9 launches are reusable, in that case you only have ~16-17 tonnes to LEO and the cost per kilogram is similar, as discussed in the article. A bit less payload, a bit cheaper per launch. Booking an expendable Falcon 9 flight costs more.


Xaxxon t1_jdnanqw wrote

Everyone comparing a paper rocket "price" to a flying rocket actual price.


mfb- t1_jdnbbpn wrote

Yes, we are studying if the planned launch price of a future rocket will be competitive with current rockets.


Xaxxon t1_jdnbmio wrote

"planned prices" aren't competitive with anything because they're not actual prices.

People say all sorts of shit when it doesn't cost them anything to say it. Are they taking guaranteed orders at that price? If not, it's not even worth discussing.