old-dirty-olorin t1_je7qfly wrote
From a perspective the universe seems to be in the business of taking the very basic and building ever more complex states.
TonyMc3515 t1_je7upte wrote
Very similar actually..i find it reassuring in a way
Aakaash_from_India t1_je7wffh wrote
If the particle horizon is already vast enough beyond our capabilities, imagine if there is another civilisation far away (beyond our horizons) and they have another particle horizon and they assume that that is the universe while we assume our particle horizon to be the entire universe... 🫥 How huge would the entire universe be now?? 😭
Tha_Watcher t1_je7xccf wrote
Now you're venturing into Eastern Philosophy. Keep going further! 😉
FarmhouseFan t1_je7yce5 wrote
Check this one out.
[deleted] OP t1_je7zp17 wrote
It's definitely how infinitely vast I think everything is and it's both terrifying and fantastic. Someone else commented by saying they find it comforting and I really do. I don't know if these other forms of life would be like us or completely different, or even "good" (whatever that would mean in their world) but it's still so incredible. Though I'm also glad I don't get to ever know that, because there can be neutral, good and bad surprises haha.
[deleted] OP t1_je7zso0 wrote
Oh brilliant, thank you.
Shot-Chapter-4930 t1_je7zzkx wrote
After watching the two videos I have stopped watching tv
jeanlucriker t1_je81o4a wrote
The one thing that video makes me remember and hate at the same time is that we are insignificant. Most likely all of us will be dead when these events arise and humans wiped out before or when the gamma burst hits I’d expect.
All the wars and crises we have over land, and money will ultimately be pointless. We are the same as every other living creature on this earth and end up the same fate in a way.
The difference is for now we understand the way things work, the way the universe in some forms works and can question life and the beginning & end which other creatures can’t. And we feel special because of it, as intelligent life, questioning the end of life, the beginning of the universe, striving for a reason for existence.
It’s depressing to thing the answer probably is there isn’t one, there isn’t an afterlife and we are just atoms and such.. that said I can see why people then find comfort in religion and an afterlife.
So.. I’ve gone down a depressing rabbit hole haha. As much as Space can fill me with wonder it can also fill me with existential dread.
TjW0569 t1_je82iob wrote
I make a point of only thinking about 50% of the universe at a time.
It's half-vast.
[deleted] OP t1_je84vjg wrote
DolphinWings25 t1_je86dem wrote
Carl Sagan says it very well in A Pale Blue dot... There was a great edit someone did on YouTube with scenes from a bunch of movies but I'd guess it was removed for like 60 copyright infringements.
Edit: Holy crap lol the next thing I do is start a TV show and there is a Rolex commercial that was almost identical to what I described on YouTube. Anyone who's seen the video I'm talking about check out Rolex hashtag perpetual ad and let me know what you think.
DolphinWings25 t1_je86h2d wrote
Oh wow I have to do it in tenths. I can understand all of 1/10th just fine.
DolphinWings25 t1_je87m28 wrote
I believe the universe to by cyclical. I'm not sure which video you are referring but I can presume it shows a very long dark quiet and cold end to our universe?
Eventually nothing can hold a bond and all matter will just slowly fade away, with a fizzling out of energy.
The time frames are astoundingly unfathomable.
I like to think/believe in the big bounce. It would be a lot cooler if there was something out there yet discovered, maybe just beyond our vantages horizon that would cause the eventually reverse of time, the collapse of this universe back up onto itself.
Maybe, just maybe, just an atoms length beyond our horizon, there exists a black hole the size of the entire horizon.
So I guess in summary, I'd (the universe) rather die in a black whole than being stretched out into nothingness via a long dark cold freeze. Although, being stretched out into nothingness also seems to be what would happen if we were to enter a black hole? So wait, what we are experiencing now is what would happen if we were to fall into a black hole? So, we are in one now?
Or maybe my therapist is right.
rluzz001 t1_je89bfn wrote
What are you guys referring to? It sounds interesting.
JohnCena_770 t1_je8a0kn wrote
Probably that we're also part of the universe, we are made out of the exact same stuff. And we're conscious. So, in a sense at least, we are the universe (or part of it) that became conscious.
Resident-Fox6758 t1_je8bb0v wrote
No if I did I would quit my job and enjoy my time here
Natiak t1_je8cezz wrote
We are matter arranged in increasingly complex patterns that eventually becomes sentient. We are very literally the universe coming to life. Our existence is such a miracle, every moment should be treasured. Even when eggs are expensive.
JohnCena_770 t1_je8fy0f wrote
Idk man, the wonders of existence....and expensive eggs. That pretty much cancels each other out. /s
Pinacolada1989 t1_je8l5ab wrote
Yes! It’s almost a form of therapy to me to think about.
Own_Explorer_6952 t1_je8qdk1 wrote
Felt the same way ever since watching the movie interstellar. Always have loved space and weather systems since I was a kid but that movie really took it to another level.
[deleted] OP t1_je8s4zk wrote
[deleted] OP t1_je8tkrl wrote
Minibeave t1_je8x8yq wrote
I only try to think about the observable universe.
The rest escapes me.
WildGeorgeKnight t1_je94w1n wrote
All of the videos on Melodysheeps channel are a must watch for space fans. One of my favourite lines from his channel is “what if organic bodies are just a quaint first step in humanities history”. 😳
[deleted] OP t1_je959ld wrote
GC_Mandrake t1_je979ed wrote
Kind of: I think about my inability to grasp the vastness of the universe every day.
gnomereb t1_je98xma wrote
I thought about why there is a universe at all.
flyingbuttressesfly t1_je9a8ct wrote
All the awe in astrophysics also applies to nano physics. As above, so below. 🤯
[deleted] OP t1_je9b1jx wrote
[deleted] OP t1_je9dngi wrote
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_je9ot40 wrote
we can build orderly patterns locally but that requires energy so the overal entropy of the universe increases
imho since more orderly complexity requires more energy in a way by making more order locally we contribute to the acceleration of disorder (entropy) in the long term, no that we make much of a dent with our current technological level, but maybe a future civilization capable of enginnering star systems moving stars and built wormholes may make a more noticiable dent in the energy budget🙂
[deleted] OP t1_je9qf6e wrote
Uncle_Boppi t1_je9rw3s wrote
I think about it a lot, especially looking up at the sky, it gives me so much anxiety and wonderment of what could possibly be up there.
[deleted] OP t1_jea65pa wrote
So well put Natiak, I'm going to frame this response
[deleted] OP t1_jea6eyk wrote
Same, I think it definitely serves as escapism sometimes when things get rough in life. This idea that everything is going to end and we're only a tiny tiny part of a big big big big infinite space.
[deleted] OP t1_jea6j7g wrote
Omg going to check that out thank you.
lezboyd t1_jeabffg wrote
If you want another video to make you think this way, I'd recommend CGP Grey's video 'Metric Paper' about paper dimensions with relation to the universe.
Last_third_1966 t1_jeadao4 wrote
Where do you camp when you do this?
RegretLoveGuiltDream t1_jeadqnn wrote
All the time, but it shows that we barely know jack squat about our own universe and what may be outside it. Nobody knows at all what happens when you die. Go outside and enjoy your life if you can.
shindleria t1_jeafghr wrote
I find that TIME pairs well with this as well
PogTuber t1_jeah6mx wrote
If you calculate all the mass in the universe and put it into the black hole equation, you would have an event horizon close to what we consider the size of the universe presently.
So yeah, it's not outside the realm of possibility that we are the product of a black hole that was insanely massive.
Bipogram t1_jeaja8g wrote
I had this same sense when I saw the 'Powers of 10' short movie for the first time in the 70s.
Yes, it's all deliciously fantastic - and time under a clear sky at night is time well spent.
[deleted] OP t1_jeaujd2 wrote
Automatic_Pianist_93 t1_jeb9ud9 wrote
I remember watching this video for the first time and it left me contemplating life and existence. Truly great video
DolphinWings25 t1_jebacfn wrote
Under whichever sun will have me.
[deleted] OP t1_jebepws wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jebifvd wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jebix3q wrote
Last_third_1966 t1_jebufyz wrote
But you do it in tents, right?
Naive-Horror4209 t1_jec50yg wrote
You put down the thought in my head very eloquently. I read a cosmology book 12 years ago and I have become an atheist. As Jimmy Care says , it’s a lonely experience, it’s a revolution for one. I fell into nihilism and I still haven’t found any purpose in life. We will all disappear. I went through my late grandfathers photos, who was born in 1891. He lived, he suffered and in 100 years nobody will remember him. Our existence is pointless, we are a product of a coincidence. If anyone can cheer me up, you’re welcome:)
Sea-Specialist-4852 t1_jecc6fc wrote
sometimes but i am a human and do stupid human things so i cant think of important stuff like the universe
Sea-Specialist-4852 t1_jecfx5n wrote
Honestly if you've got something important to do and you feel anxious or stressed about it like exams, an important meeting etc... An existencial crisis is a good way to make you feel numb to these emotions and situations which could greatly benefit you.
For me the universe videos dont cut it aymore so i just usually go watch an animal eaten alive or just something to make me generalize life and existence and to remind my brain that the problems i have right now dont matter because you and everyone around you will be dead and life is neutral in the end
DolphinWings25 t1_jecov06 wrote
What do I have a lispth? I said Tents!
[deleted] OP t1_jedso5y wrote
I actually wrote this post just after rewatching Interstellar !
flyingbuttressesfly t1_je7pli3 wrote
Yes. The universe is mind-boggling and it’s becoming conscious of itself. That blows my mind.