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dire-dire-docks t1_jeczicr wrote

why is this sub full of click bait titles. Are there even mods?


thawingSumTendies OP t1_jeczoyo wrote

I tried to be more detailed than the original post title without deviating too much.

What would your suggestion be for a better title?


TheHappyMask93 t1_jedycix wrote

The article actually wasn't bad. But I do understand your sentiment. Websites like should be banned from this sub, sometimes it really does feel like mods don't give a shit about quality content.


Abrahamlinkenssphere t1_jeeteur wrote

Isn’t engagement important though? I feel like if it gets people to read and learn about supernovae who cares?


SonFranks t1_jed7026 wrote

Did you read the article? Nothing click baity about it.


keeperkairos t1_jeevxee wrote

Your comment is correct, but it doesn’t apply to this post.