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BornAgainTristan t1_jazt3g6 wrote

This is the best photo of Venus and Jupiter I have seen over the last few days. Amazing👌 Just look at all those colours!


herrbdog t1_jb17hy9 wrote

super awesome pic!


and i love pics like this, so i can blow it up and trace the CURVE of the earth

it's 2023, i should have to, but yet there are dummies who still don't get it


johnny_51ma t1_jb1oh2u wrote

The color gradient reminds me of the old-school PowerPoint backgrounds.


BoboIsALiar t1_jb2d4iy wrote

Post this to /r/ufos, they'll call you a debunker and insist you're a CIA plant paid to discredit the UAP movement.