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nicspace1 t1_je0ugu6 wrote

Can't wait. Do you know when is the best time to watch?


Ken_from_Barbie t1_je0vmxq wrote

The planets are aligned. Surely there's something rare I need to accomplish tonight.


AroganikMcP t1_je147rd wrote

Funny how an astronomical phenomenon is going to be discussed more by the astrologists


Klin24 t1_je14cxv wrote

Rain coming through central california tonight. Won't see it. :-(


ghostareas t1_je19v1e wrote

Keep in mind, Ken is a blonde toy originally from '61. During those days up till about the mid 90's the stereotype of being blonde meant that he might be a little bit daft. Of course now that we are in the modern era, this would be inappropriate, so lets chalk it up to him being a boomer with no humor.


rtphokie t1_je1f2jt wrote

Soon after sunset to catch Jupiter and Mercury near the horizon. If you don't have a really clear western horizon, I wouldn't worry about it too much and enjoy Mars and Venus higher in the sky.

The fifth planet is Uranus and you're not going to see it without a good telescope or binoculars.


Hirokage t1_je1hdep wrote

I'm pretty sure Lara Croft said something about this.. she is probably going to have a busy week.


Schemati t1_je1lw1k wrote

I guess it depends on how much data they’re collecting for orbital mechanics and satellite telemetry vs what does this mean for my horoscope omg, odds are it’s all still less data than the total amount of cat photos online


DishonestBystander t1_je1mv1z wrote

A conjunction of the spheres, if you will. Also called a greater syzygy.


AroganikMcP t1_je209c6 wrote

My college roommate told me when this happens that his god is pregnant and the teleporter is active from Earth to his homeplanet in the Pleiades constellation. I now hope it doesnt send people just all our cat pics


SodHawk t1_je22kup wrote

Will this have any affect on gravity or cause an earthquake?


fangelo2 t1_je2d6a6 wrote

And we have complete cloud cover as is the case during any astronomical event.


Supercraft888 t1_je2dbnu wrote

It’s been cloudy though…I wish I had a telescope that could see through clouds


CorgiSplooting t1_je3h0ib wrote

And Torus is in the second hemisphere of an Aquarius circle Sagittarius… thing.

I’m in Seattle. We’re not into Astrology much up here for obvious reasons.


Tankjhb t1_je3peea wrote

Tf I just had a dream about this. Not exactly five planets though, more like all of them.


sunflower906 t1_je9ss6c wrote

That's spectacular! I don't have telescopes yet and would love to buy one when I'm older. I'd be psyched if anybody uploaded the pictures here.