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Solar-G2V OP t1_jb1qwke wrote

as seen through a h-alpha telescope. I'm a visual observer and usually sketch my studies - but today I took a picture through the lens. not high res but it gives some idea of ​​what I can observe with my telescope :) all the best


Ok_Copy5217 t1_jb2qcmn wrote

What model telescope and what kind of camera do you use? to the visual eye it looks much dark red!


Solar-G2V OP t1_jb2ry53 wrote

yes the visual is definitely more dark red and more clear. I use a lunt 40mm, a Pentax XF Zoom and the camera is a Fujifilm


Ok_Copy5217 t1_jb2s9ke wrote

it is very hard to position a telescope by hand to the eyepiece. When I tried it I saw more sunspots with naked eye than my phone camera could see. Do you think the sensors are good enough to capture all details you see?


Solar-G2V OP t1_jb2t38v wrote

no I think I can visual observe more details than I can on this photo - but its close to be the same