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aught4naught t1_jeemjro wrote

our infrastructure and culture hasn't had to weather radically sudden climate change. what provision will there be to adapt earth's other species for continued survival ?


Altrgamm t1_jeenr6l wrote

For species we are interested in - we are that guarantee. For others - why should anyone care? Humans are priority. As for infrastructure: you probably aware we are demolishing and rebuilding it constantly anyway. Compare even modern roads with roads at 1900. As for culture - people change they culture constantly anyway. Any emigrant? Voluntary changed culture? Moved from a city to suburb? Change of culture. Gone to get college education? Change if culture. And cultures themselves are not something remotely approaching anything "constant".


aught4naught t1_jeeom3d wrote

prepare to die in the coming global climate diasporas


Altrgamm t1_jeepg2j wrote

You've missed previous half-a-century or so, didn't you?


aught4naught t1_jeerbw8 wrote

the proverbial end of history? :) the last 50 years have been all of my adult life.

this adaptation you dream of, societies lifeboat, will be boarded first by the elite and rich before finally being swamped by a billion poor fleeing a burning southern hemisphere