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JayR_97 t1_jc7r97l wrote

Couldn't we just boost it to a safe orbit? Seems a shame to just burn it up


ioncloud9 t1_jc819fr wrote

It would have to be moved really far up. Like around 1000km up to last decades without needing a reboost. And it would be out of control. It needs constant fuel to desaturate the reaction wheels and maintain orientation. Without that it would be spinning out of control until it broke apart. Then its a massive liability.


aRandomFox-II t1_jc7s7k6 wrote

Or disassemble it and bring it back to recycle the parts/materials rather than let it all burn up in the atmosphere.


dragonlax t1_jc7w155 wrote

That would require the invention of new heat shield tech, getting it up to space (it will be very heavy and horribly expensive to lift), then install it, add parachutes, flotation devices, etc. You’re talking tens of manned flights costing $100m+ each just to recycle 20+ year old tech, no use for it at all.


Pharisaeus t1_jcaacjp wrote

> recycle the parts/materials

That's completely pointless. It's not a solid block of aluminium or something else which can easily be recycled. Consider that ever on Earth we don't "recycle" things like cars, because it's just not practical - it would be more expensive than making a new thing from scratch.


DevilsRefugee OP t1_jc7rzxm wrote

I think we should, or at least into cislunar space to act as a stepping stone to lunar gateway.
