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beastpilot t1_jdpsfkz wrote

15psi is a very small pressure difference and is trivial to seal against. The oil pressure in a car is 5x that and the seals involved deal with way more rotations over their lives.


ZealousidealClub4119 t1_jdpt6xx wrote

15 psi? That's all? I did not know that.


beastpilot t1_jdptbdr wrote

Space is zero psi Earth is 14.7 psi at sea level That is all there is. The difference is 15psi.


ZealousidealClub4119 t1_jdpu6jo wrote

Well I've made myself look like an idiot then.


bluenoser613 t1_jdql1ie wrote

No not at all. Most don't think about this. Even diving 10m in the water is 2x more pressure than this. Someone going to the bottom of the ocean is way harder for the vehicle to withstand.