Hunt3dstorm t1_jdoddjn wrote
Reply to comment by ICumCoffee in [NASA on Twitter] Newly-discovered asteroid 2023 DZ2 will pass Earth more than 100,000 miles (161,000 km) away–about half the distance to the Moon–making its close approach at 3:51 p.m. EDT (12:51 p.m. PDT) by ICumCoffee
would be cool if earth was shown in this render!
leer0ybr0wn t1_jdoeub2 wrote
It is - zoom out and rotate the scene :-)
Snuffy1717 t1_jdokhgp wrote
And remember that the enemy’s gate is down.
otter111a t1_jdoeu8a wrote
It is. From the perspective of the “camera” the earth Uranus are in a line. Just follow the orbital planes around
AsAChemicalEngineer t1_jdoii3v wrote
It is, you just have to rotate the view.
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