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PatFluke t1_je2nfqi wrote

Really? I haven’t read it but have been told I should. They spin the moon?


mooimafish33 t1_je2oev3 wrote

They spin Ceres actually, but it's pretty much exactly your idea. Millions of people live in tunnels they have dug all throughout it, and it was spun up enough for the people to experience like .7G


i-kno-nothing t1_je2p2t5 wrote

how do you spin a planet? O_O


PatFluke t1_je2qlm4 wrote

Smash a big rock into it? Massive engines pointing 45 degrees up from the surface with fusion reactors powering them throwing particles out of orbit circling the equator? Magic? I dunno I was being dumb when I wrote my comment lol. Sounds like a cool ideaz

Edit: I’m not cool enough for ideaz.


i-kno-nothing t1_je2un6f wrote

this is all sci-fi. no such thing as a stupid idea! only limit is current technology. but from a physics p.o.v. all could work xD