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tickleMyBigPoop t1_jd3cybh wrote

> Today i find teslas lacking in front of other EVs

Really because i'm in the market and for the same price it seems Tesla comes out ahead, especially because the price you see online is the price you pay. Then there's supercharging stations.


Taxington t1_jd90dib wrote

Your milage may vary by country.

>especially because the price you see online is the price you pay

In most western countries anything els is ilegal.

>Then there's supercharging stations.

EU don't allow that kind of anti consumer behavior all EVs use CCS. No propriety connectors, apple are currently getting fucked over that kind of nonsense.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_jd9ea8z wrote

>In most western countries anything els is ilegal.

i didn't know bartering is illegal.


Taxington t1_jdbu406 wrote

Don't be obtuse. It's hidden costs thats illegal.

The price listed is the price you pay.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_jdcocyw wrote

And I’m not talking about hidden costs, dealerships have prices higher than MSRP.

Except Tesla because there’s no Tesla dealerships