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ryanq99 t1_itap5zv wrote

It’s impossible to come to a conclusion because there’s almost zero evidence. What we do have though, are a few instances of unusual phenomenon that we can’t explain.

Most people who say they have seen ufos are crazy. Some could be intelligent in some areas but most are crazy.

There are real accounts of unidentified objects that seem to surpass our understandings of movement or physics. David Fravor and 3 other people witnessed something that is still not explained yet. We don’t know what it is.

And it’s not only eye witness testimony. It’s cameras and sensors.


vibrunazo t1_itaqth8 wrote

> It’s cameras and sensors.

And none of them have ever proven the data to be nothing alien or supernatural. End of story. Come back when you have better evidence.


ryanq99 t1_itbf58p wrote

When did I ever say aliens? I was very clear that there is not enough evidence to come to a conclusion? Come back when you can read.