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J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubcd4k wrote

Here is some of my best planetary work this year put together in this collage. They're not 1:1 scale, but this is their apparent size when viewed from Earth at 5400mm with a 10 inch telescope (except for Uranus and Neptune, I upscaled those by 200% for aesthetic purposes). From left to right: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. All imaged in RGB except for Uranus which is (R)RGB using a 610nm filter to bring out the polar cap, and Mercury and Venus used IR data as well with 807nm filter. To take these images I used my Skywatcher 10" GoTo Dobsonian, X-Cel 3x barlow, ZWO ADC, and ASI178 camera + filters. As well as a variety of software: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, Registax/AstroSurface, and GIMP.


Redbelly98 t1_iubn6u6 wrote

Nice! Was going to ask if they were all at the same magnification. Thanks for clarifying.


dolphin37 t1_iuc7od7 wrote

I love how fake they look. Like 3rd rock from the sun but in real life