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May-Eat-A-Pizza t1_iube0gh wrote

Perhaps one day you can travel with your telescope to a planet to add earth to your collection.


TheLeopardColony t1_iubi9il wrote

Only if they have cheese, otherwise Jerry staying firmly on Earth.


iLikeVideoGamesAndYT t1_iucj30n wrote

Lucky for him, the moon has plenty of cheese, and you cam see the Erath clearly from there.


JasonWalton1918 t1_iucnpqn wrote

That's a good cam to zoom in enough to see Erath Winery in Oregon. I think OP wants the entire planet that winery exists on, though.


VladPatton t1_iue84d1 wrote

Stop breaking his balls. He got all the planets to line up like that and you mofos still aren’t happy!


[deleted] t1_iud2t5s wrote

No joke, I looked at this picture for way long thinking “but one is missing” because it’s too early and I’m half asleep.


SjoerdL t1_iucios8 wrote

The background is black because thats his picture of the telescope pointed down.


Parker4815 t1_iucj27i wrote

Take a selfie with yourself on the toilet. That's the best representation of Earth.


CalIMeJosh t1_iudox5a wrote

look down, you can see it all year round, couldn’t stop noticing once o first saw it