geoffacakes t1_iu9d0c0 wrote
Fucking hell, the fruit loops get worse by the day..
Send_Me_Huge_Tits t1_iu9ey12 wrote
The upside of launching from a plane is you can fly to any position you want.
Zhukov-74 OP t1_iu9fsje wrote
And that makes this protest make even less sense.
This isn’t an Ariane or Falcon Rocket but something that’s launched from an Airplane far away from the place where it took off.
SanSamaraez t1_iu9gt1m wrote
They do indeed. Need dealt with.
SpaceInMyBrain t1_iu9l6uy wrote
Sigh. There's nothing that some group won't find a way to protest against. There's a certain percentage of the population that gets off on thinking they're more aware, in a superior way, than ignorant common folk. They tend to think very highly of themselves for taking up a crusade for this or that.
Adeldor t1_iu9pf5v wrote
With such ignorant, opportunistic fringe groups, indifferent-to-hostile public policy, and general under-appreciation for engineering and manufacturing in modern day Britain, it's a testament to the tenacity of those trying to develop launch capability in the country.
If the environment becomes too hostile, there are demonstrably friendlier countries in the Anglosphere to where they can relocate, such as the US and NZ, not to mention other, non-English-speaking lands.
Inevitablesincerity t1_iu9tqk6 wrote
If they somehow get close to the plane, turn on the engines, that might make them buzz off
complex_variables t1_iua1cn2 wrote
Grey-haired CND long-timers claim launch of environmental / earth resources satellites is militarization of space.
Are they still being paid by Moscow? Russian launch facilities don't want more competition?
Darkendone t1_iua5lxg wrote
It is those people who are the most ignorant of them all.
Mntfrd_Graverobber t1_iuaewus wrote
I bet there were people protesting the demonic invention of the pulley as well.
Mntfrd_Graverobber t1_iuaf4at wrote
I don't particularly care if they glue themselves to it.
Of course that will throw off the aerodynamics. For a few minutes.
Mntfrd_Graverobber t1_iuaf9lm wrote
It's a testament to the fitness of the human design that these folks haven't made themselves extinct.
LaunchTransient t1_iubfq69 wrote
A large part of the time is that people don't realise that the money spent on civil aerospace R&D is comparitively tiny to what most developed countries spend on welfare.
They hear "-illion" and think that it is being printed from an ATM, shoved under a fairing and fired into space.
boundegar t1_iubj7o4 wrote
Million, billion, zillion, whatever.
toodroot t1_iubo0db wrote
toodroot t1_iuboau4 wrote
Love the insults! Do you find them effective when you're trying to change people's minds?
quantivity t1_iubq0g4 wrote
One of the biggest issues that I see in the UK, after having lived there for a while, is the culture of invented outrage by the press. The Daily Mail, Express, Sun (all rags owned by Rupert Murdoch) essentially winge constantly and there is little to no good news to be found. The UK in general is a miserable place, but this doesn't help either. You can find an article where a vaccine was invented, or how the cure of cancer is found, but there will be outrage over the slow rollout, or how this wasn't done sooner, or how foreigners will get it first, etc.
Cornwall is a generally poor region of the UK and you have mostly farmers or pensioners living there. Very little industry, working professionals, etc. Also, pensioners are more likely to read the rags than younger people as well.
Another vote here for the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
thatwasacrapname123 t1_iucgg3f wrote
Really sorry about Rupert Murdoch. Love Australia.
UngruntledAussie t1_iud1ji3 wrote
The fact the didn’t have the self-awareness to critique their own post says everything.
[deleted] t1_iudt9zz wrote
[deleted] t1_iu9cpcg wrote