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TestCampaign t1_iuep16l wrote

Don, did you plan to take this shot (i.e calculating when the sun would be at that angle between the panels) or was this an image of opportunity? Looks great


astro_pettit OP t1_iueq465 wrote

Sunsets and sunrises are very quick, so this was premeditated


tiggertom66 t1_iug28l6 wrote

How many do you get to see in a day?


dillrepair t1_iugaeuz wrote

It’s a lot isn’t it? Like every 90 minutes or something?

Edit Yep “The ISS travels at about 17,500 miles/28,000 kilometers per hour. At this speed, the ISS orbits the Earth every 90 minutes, which gives the crew 16 sunrises and sunsets every day.”