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Pyroperc88 t1_irp7zvx wrote

I hate rollercoasters.

I'm scared of heights.

And I'm definitely in poor physical shape.

But you could strap me into a rocket to go to space anyday lol. I'd prolly piss myself but the elation of going to space and pure adrenaline prolly put a permanent smile on my face lol.

This type of stuff is just absolutely wild and makes me excited for the future as space gets more and more available for more people! The things amature astronomers do on the ground in cool, it'll be insane in space!

Closest I'll probably ever come is Kerbal Space Program but I've landed and returned from Duna so atleast I feel like I too can say confidently, "Space is very hard, but so very very cool."

Plus you smart smort folks provide all that crazy science Kyle Hill, PBS Spacetime, Joe Scott, and of course Dr Becky digest and tell me about in formats i can sometimes kinda understand (i love Matt even tho i understand maybe 1% lol).

And hey! You followed Scott Manleys advice! You flew safe! 🥳

Okay, imma stop before this gets waaaaay to long haha. Cheers!