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frustrated_staff t1_iuj4shp wrote

Not only what the other guy said, but with over 2 billion objects in the GDR3 database and more coming in from Hubble and JWST everyday, it can be hard to keep up with extremes. I mean, it can literally change on a daily basis, so...there's that...


WeirdNecessary2912 OP t1_iuj518n wrote

Oh! Never thought that being progressive leads to this big of confusion :)


dyin2meetcha t1_iujnh54 wrote

Google is a search engine. It's not answering your question, it's finding results from different sources and dates. Are you actually that ignorant of what the return results actually are?


WeirdNecessary2912 OP t1_iujpmsz wrote

I am just a 16 y/o interested in Astronomy and stuff. Wanted answers and got them too and probably an unwanted critic too :)