alexfilmwriting t1_ixrdb1r wrote
Reply to comment by kldload in Orion snaps 'selfie' with the Moon as it prepares for distant retrograde orbit | Insertion burn scheduled to take place today then engineers have six days to see how spacecraft fares in deep space by chrisdh79
First I'd heard specifically what's inside the crew compartment. Seems like the most sensible way to do it.
[deleted] t1_ixre9ce wrote
drunkandpassedout t1_ixrkwkh wrote
And a Shaun the Sheep strapped in. Snoopy is just floating around the cabin.
Soulless_redhead t1_ixrvehl wrote
Excuse me, that's a high tech zero-g Snoopy sensor!
kldload t1_ixrm36w wrote
Can’t believe I forgot to mention Snoop
ThaiJohnnyDepp t1_ixtbb00 wrote
Vibin in zero-Gizzle, mah nizzle!
[deleted] t1_ixreyko wrote
[deleted] t1_ixrhcbt wrote
cromulent_pseudonym t1_ixs0e9v wrote
There's a picture here from the interior of the capsule while in flight.
ZeePM t1_ixssb30 wrote
Looks like they added a bunch of ballast in the right hand side to balance out the instrumented dummy.
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