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Entmoot6262 t1_ixroh5k wrote

Article says the craft is supposed to be reusable. I hope they aren’t using the Shuttle definition of reusable.


as_a_fake t1_ixrsq8m wrote

I'm pretty sure the only part of it that's at all reusable is the Orion pod. Nothing to do with maneuvering, just the life support for future astronauts.


Nibb31 t1_ixry91h wrote

Not even that. The Orion capsule is gutted and some of the stuff inside can be reused. The capsule itself is disposable.


FutureMartian97 t1_ixs4g8k wrote

> I hope they aren’t using the Shuttle definition of reusable.

Not even. I think only the Avionics and life support system will be reused.