Reddit-runner t1_ixhz28g wrote
Reply to comment by Saar_06 in The ESA aims to make 24/7 space-based solar energy harvesting a reality | Solaris program will study space-based solar power amid rising energy concerns by chrisdh79
Starlink received at least three big articles in my very local newspaper over the last few years. People will not know what the project is about, but they will instantly tell you it ruins the night sky and makes astronomy impossible.
You heavily underestimate the technology aversion of the general population. Especially in Germany. What do you think is the reason for our prehistoric internet infrastructure? Thinking that 5G causes cancer is also just short of being accepted as sensible statement.
Saar_06 t1_ixi1ba4 wrote
> Starlink received at least three big articles in my very local newspaper over the last few years.
I'm a newsjunkie and there was NO major reporting on this in Dutch media. At all. But a local newspaper in Germany is apparantly very concerned and that proves that this European project is going to face HUGE resistance? Come on man.
> You heavily underestimate the technology aversion of the general population. Especially in Germany. What do you think is the reason for our prehistoric internet infrastructure? Thinking that 5G causes cancer is also just short of being accepted as sensible statement.
And yet 5G is being rolled out with no problem all over Western Europe and the United States. As a techie you're falling for right-wing fossil-fuel propaganda that wants you to believe that there is some huge Luddite population that's the real opponent of progress instead of them.
Reddit-runner t1_ixi3mv7 wrote
>And yet 5G is being rolled out with no problem all over Western Europe
Not in Germany. 5G is still the exception here, not the norm.
>there was NO major reporting on this in Dutch media. At all. But a local newspaper in Germany is apparantly very concerned and that proves that this European project is going to face HUGE resistance?
I used that as an example that even small german newspapers are reporting negatively about Starlink. And the big ones obviously too.
Saar_06 t1_ixjou7c wrote
> Not in Germany. 5G is still the exception here, not the norm.
Which is unstoppingly changing.
> I used that as an example that even small german newspapers are reporting negatively about Starlink. And the big ones obviously too
Yeah and I used it as an example that you've got nothing besides a personal anecdote AKA nothing.
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