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ferrel_hadley t1_ivk4qlm wrote

Or reusable first stage, Falcon Heavy, Dragon, Crew Dragon etc.

>self driving cars, the roadster, the cybertruck and solar roofs

They are all Tesla not SpaceX products. Not sure what your beef with the roadster is either.

Musk is a hype man with hits and misses. The best approach is to look at things form a technical perspective. He is slotted to place crew on the Moon in 2024. But SpaceX is known for slippage and the whole of Artemis is years behind. That would give him about 4 years to turn Starship into something that could last a journey to Mars and back. Technically plausible. But I would place it in the unlikely. Not because "Musk" because the timelines are too short for solving over two years in microgravity, for something as short as a flag and photos mission.


Subject_Meat5314 t1_ivko2sv wrote

i don’t think anyone would say it won’t be done because Musk is incompetent. the beef is that Musk asserts things will be done in time frames that competent people cannot meet.