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Ituzzip t1_j19w0n4 wrote

I don’t know about ancient mars, but it can come from biotic and abiotic processes and the atmosphere on Mars has a bit of methane on it right now, and that’s been subject to a lot of inquiry.


VCRdrift t1_j1d07p0 wrote

Think there's a planet with a moon in our solar system that have rivers and lakes of methane.

We need to send a probe and light that moon on fire.


GunnarRoxen t1_j1d40fa wrote

Titan, moon of Saturn. It has methane rain, rivers and lakes, and an atmospheric pressure one and a half that of Earth. The surface "geology" is frozen water ice forming mountains, plains etc. Very interesting moon! Also probably has a subsurface liquid water ocean beneath the "crust".


[deleted] t1_j1fig8v wrote



VCRdrift t1_j1flayb wrote

We need to spend billions and find the answer to this question. And if a flame isn't enough, maybe a hellfire missile.